Quarter Sleeve Tattoo Designs

Wednesday 14 October 2015

Quarter Sleeve Tattoo Designs
Want to get a tattoo on your hand but wondering which design you should opt for? How about getting a quarter sleeve tattoo? In the following article, we've got some cool quarter sleeve tattoo designs for men and women that you can review...

Anyone who has had a tattoo before or carries an interest for them, will appreciate the idea of getting a quarter sleeve tattoo. When you ask "what a quarter sleeve tattoo is", you can pretty much get the gist of it. A quarter sleeve is essentially a tattoo inked on someone's arm (and at times leg), which can cover up the majority of that particular area. Typically, these tattoos become a part of the wearer's arms, from their shoulders to the biceps and till the elbows. If you want to make the commitment to any specific tattoo designs, then go for it because these tattoos look really hot.

Since the entire concept of inking more than half of your arm is a huge decision, the design has to be larger than life. You don't really want to choose just any design and get the tattoo just for the heck of it. The concept of your design(s) can be a challenging as the exact details are tough to narrow down; that's when your tattoo artist comes in. You can easily ask him/her to draw the design according your likes and taste. Of course, there are some popular tattoos that many tattoo fanatics venture on. As tattoos, no matter what or where they are placed, they can become quite addictive. So why not indulge into something bigger and much more creative. Which is why, the design takes up so much attention. To help you decide, we've got some fantastic designs for you to go over.

                                         Tattoos for Men

These tattoos are definitely a favorite for guys as it not only looks masculine, but also brings in the air of intrigue. As they are a collaboration of small and/or large designs, the combination is typically related to one another. For example, if you want to get a Koi fish tattooed on yourself, the tattoo artist will ink the fish (swimming up-stream or down-stream) with adding the background images of water, flowers, stream, bubbles, and much more. Depending on what you desire will make for the overall look in the design. All you have to do is  mention what designs you are willing to see incorporated in the tattoo and the elements that complement you and your beliefs will be added. With respect to the design, the colors (or if you wish to keep the tattoo in black ink) part of your tattoo can be discussed with the artist himself/herself. You can either go pre-planned about the entire concept or have him/her give you suggestions about your vision. As they are great with drawing and concocting beautiful patterns, conceptualizing your tattoo into a reality won't be that difficult. Some of the most popular and well-received tattoos for guys are tribal tattoos, patriotic tattoos, religious tattoos, Celtic tattoos, dragon tattoos, cross tattoos, Koi fish tattoos, zodiac tattoos, Maori tattoos, and many more; or you can get inspired by the images given above. * Click on the images for a better view.

                                        Tattoos for Women

Although sleeve tattoos have become a fad for men, there are some women who aren't behind in getting one of these styles of body art. The sleeve tattoos do generally look masculine and strong, but women can alter the entire appearance. Intricate artwork, colorful patterns, and with a little bit of imagination, women can help make them look feminine and sensual. The whole idea about getting a tattoo in general is the overall appearance. Sleeve tattoos are all about individuality and standing out in the crowd. Collaborating small designs like flowers, birds, stars, or any such thing can come out looking gorgeous and be a masterpiece. Some other design ideas involve flower tattoos, Japanese dragon tattoos, symbolic tattoos, nautical star tattoos, fairy tattoos, butterfly tattoos, dolphin tattoos, heart tattoos, Hawaiian tattoos, and many more.

I'd like to say couple more things about quarter sleeve tattoos before you can make your final decision. One, they take a great deal of time to get inked, so you will have to go for 2-3 sittings before the tattoo can be completed. That will depend entirely up to the design you have chosen for yourself. Hence, planning according to your schedule for work or school. Two, since it could take more than 1 sitting, it won't be cheap as well. The actual cost of your tattoo will depend on the intricacies of the design, if the tattoo is black or several colors, and the size. So consult a professional tattoo artist or a friend who's already gotten a sleeve tattoo, to decide the overall cost and time. This way, you can manage things properly.


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